A longtime family friend is a photographer and owns a photography studio that he and his wife have put a lot of time and effort into. All of this has paid off as it is beautiful and set up just right with painstaking detail. This is reflected in the fact that they are very busy and their studio has been the backdrop and setting for numerous TV commercials, music videos, magazine spreads, etc.
It was a fun experience to tour the studio. It felt as if we were on a movie set. Their latest addition was “a street in Paris” setting and a section that made you feel like you were in “old London”.

Behind this area is a garden featuring not just flowers but other life as well:

There is also a little cottage, a country house, and a section that would be perfect for a desert setting complete with mission-style building facade.

Click here for more cute pictures. Yes, this is a plug for my friend’s business but it’s also a post where Grant could show off what his camera could do (since I got some comments that I was a little too cruel when I said his camera didn’t match up to mine :-D).

Super cool!
Thanks John! Check out the next few posts 😉