Two Really Great Cafes in Kiev for Travelers

A friend of mine living in Kiev introduced me to two cafes that are really nice. Great for anyone but also super tourist/expat friendly. We tried different cafes but Grant and I kept coming back to these two over and over again. What makes these places standout is that they have friendly staff (who speak english), a menu available in english, comfortable seating, free wifi (so you can work on your travel blog or other work), and nice contemporary atmosphere. What was especially good for us was not to feel rushed while sitting for hours working on our computers.

The Blue Cup Cafe, located on Pushkinska Street (one street behind the Kiev City-State Administration building, is so named for their cute blue cups that they serve their hot drinks in. This cafe has a rustic, “grandma’s cottage” interior design to it which makes it feel cozy. For a simple lunch, this place has delicious food. My favorite is the bagel sandwich with chicken, capers, and blue cheese sauce and the baby-sized cheese pancakes with fresh berry jam. Unlike a lot of places, Blue Cup (as it is affectionately known) will set a pitcher of water at your table as soon as you sit down without asking for it. Grant and I found this to be very welcoming. And the upholstery and wallpaper match the color of the blue cups and feature animal prints wearing winter clothes.


(Entrance to The Blue Cup Cafe)


(Picture of the coffee counter at Blue Cup)


(Hot chicken bagel sandwich with capers and blue cheese sauce)


(Grant’s favorite sandwich with pesto hummus and poached egg and a side of cafe latte. You can see the upholstery print in the background)

The next cafe I want to introduce you to is Fandom, located on Volodymyrska Street across from the National Opera House and the Golden Gate. This cafe is only a couple of blocks from The Blue Cup Cafe but has a much different atmosphere. The interior is more contemporary with a “French Patisserie” feel to it. The couches are fluffy green velvet which makes you feel “settled in and comfy”. Here, they feature pastries and fancy cakes but also provide a full food menu as well. Grant and I preferred the coffee drinks here slightly more than at Blue Cup but if you are going for a meal and coffee combo, we liked Blue Cup better. Fandom serves good berry teas and I really like the iced vanilla latte.


(Cafe sign on the street)


(Pic of Grant with the bar in the background)


(Ceiling detail at Fandom)


(Cappuccino and iced vanilla latte)


(A pot of ginger and mint tea)


(A half-eaten vegetable and hummus plate. We forgot to take the photo before digging in!)


(Relaxing while sitting on the plushy couch with my coffee)

Of all the places we’ve travelled so far, we feel that Kiev has an exceptional cafe culture. So if you are into coffee or visiting cafes, this is something you should plan to do while in Kiev. Also, I like how Kievan baristas (baristas from Kiev) get experimental with their brews. You can get all manner of fruit teas containing freshly steeped berries, mint, ginger, etc. which give it a strong and natural flavor. There is a drink called “Orange Cappuccino” served at Blue Cup Cafe and I ordered it to try something new. It is literally orange juice in a cappuccino. This was a little strange for my western taste buds but I like that they try new things. There is a coffee called a RAF that appears on menus everywhere. This was invented in Russia and is made by taking espresso, cream, and vanilla and steaming it together. It foams and blends differently than a regular vanilla cappuccino. RAF’s taste like vanilla ice cream blended into coffee, similar in flavor to an affogato but served hot. This drink was also interesting and is slowly making its way westward.

Another great thing about cafes in Kiev is that the drinks and food are cheaper than a lot of other places in Europe. This adds another bonus to the already good things Kiev has going for it as a tourist destination.


(A red anchor on the street in front of Fandom)
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