Finding Our Conscience at Lake Constance

(Southern Germany)

The following day, Grant and I wanted to check out Lake Constance, also know as Bodensee. We visited the town of Konstanz which lies right at the Swiss border… literally! If you walk into Old Town, you’re within a block of the Swiss border if you are on the southside. This was very neat as the buildings looked German with Swiss flair. It’s hard to describe, hopefully the photos can do this statement justice.

The buildings in the Old Town section looked like they were built hundreds of years ago despite being well-kept. They had the old way of denoting addresses – not with numbers but with building names such as Dolphin House and Corn House. I thought this was interesting.


(Grant on the Marktstätte)


(One of the Old Town medieval gates)



The pier jutting out into Lake Constance has very interesting architecture. There is a giant, slowly rotating statue at the end. It reminds me of Lady Liberty with a devil in one hand and a pope-looking guy in the other. I assume this represents our conscience. Funny thing is that the pope-guy is plump and the devil is emaciated with his bones sticking out. I looked up the real story behind these figures on Wikipedia but I think my interpretation sounds better.


(Swiss Alps across Bodensee)



(Council building – now a restaurant – central in the election of the Pope in the early 1400s – more info here in German and in English)


(The statue of Imperia at the end of the pier)

Then there is a little lighthouse at the end of another pier, with weather vanes and other such measuring devices. This house looks like its built in the steam punk style along with the conscience statue, very “gothic-noir” in my opinion.






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