Innsbruck Christmas Market (Video)

(Innsbruck, Austria)

Most towns and cities throughout Europe have some version of a Christmas market, and Innsbruck is no different.

So far, we have only been able to experience firsthand the markets in Zadar Croatia, Dublin and Galway Ireland, and Innsbruck Austria. Innsbruck has the best of these by far. There are no less than six different locations within Innsbruck itself (not counting the surrounding towns and villages), and each one is great. We walked tonight through the main city plaza and around the Golden Roof to the main two sections of this year’s market.



(Lighted trees at the main square)



(The “Mountain Crystal”)



(The Tyrol region of Austria and Italy have historical stories about giants. Sasha made friends with this one.)


(Market and tree near the Golden Roof)


(Falling snow projected on buildings)


(They sell almost anything – like traditional cured meats)


(And roasted chestnuts)


(And stones/jewelry. The man who owns this business collects most of the stones himself and there are some pretty amazing pieces at inexpensive prices)


(One alley is called “Fairy Tale Lane” and has several depictions of various traditional fairy tales mounted on the buildings)


(This building is made up to be an Advent calendar)


(No trip to the market is complete without sampling the glühwein – available at roughly half of the stands)
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2 thoughts on “Innsbruck Christmas Market (Video)

  1. Happy New Year!
    The giant tree reminds me of the one in Merry Christmas Mr Bean. Have some more gluhwein for me!

    1. Thanks Dorian and Happy New Year to you too! The tree in the town square does look a lot like the one in that episode.

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