Blustery Sunday Visit to Krka National Park (Part 2 with Video)

(Krka, Croatia)

See Part 1 here

After walking around the wooden plank walkway by the first waterfall we visited, we still had some time to explore more of the park. There is much more to see here if you come during the main tourist season, but if you visit during the fall or winter many of the riverboats and folk museum displays are shut down. So we asked a park ranger what else we could see. He recommended another waterfall that was up the river that we could drive to. At this next place, there is a cave situated on a cliff face that you can walk through. I thought this sounded exciting so we got in our car and drove in that direction.

I really thought it would be just a few miles drive. It turned out to be a 45 minute drive, through 3 villages. This made us think that somehow we had gotten off-route but just when we thought we were lost, we came across the turnoff to access this waterfall. I’m really glad we came. the landscape was amazingly beautiful. Because I grew up in a tropical environment, it was truly great to witness a canyon landscape with a rainbow of rock strata layered on top of each other, forming the sides of this canyon.

We hope you enjoy the video and photos of our trip:



(View of the valley on our drive to Roski Slap waterfall)


(First view of the canyon from a lookout point along the road)


(There is a path along the river at this side of the park)



(The “steps” of the river – this is nicknamed “the necklaces” and is a special feature of this area)


(I love the rainbow colors of the rock strata)



(Nice fall colors)




(Picture of the wooden bridge leading toward the cave stairs)

We finally walked around to the bottom of the stairway leading up to the cave entrance, about 1 kilometer from where we had parked. The sign read “517 steps to the cave”. When I read that, I was like, ‘Oh no! There is no way I’m climbing up those stairs after hiking around this park!’ Grant understood so he said he was only going to climb up a little ways to get “awesome” photos of the river. I didn’t want to wait by myself at the bottom, and feel like I was being lazy, so I said I would go up also. Well, Grant goaded me up all 517 stairs! And….. the cave was closed for the season. Yup. So we climbed backed down jelly-legged.


(Entrance to the stairs leading to the cave)


(The “necklaces” are clearly visible from this higher vantage point)


(Picture taken from midway up…)


(…and from the top near the cave)


(Closed cave. Photo taken from between the grates in the doorway. Maybe a good thing as I don’t want to end up as vampire hors d ‘oeuvres ala the movie The Descent)


(Grant taking a breather)



We walked about another kilometer and found the “official” entrance to this side of the park. So I told the customer service person that they really should have a sign at the bottom of the cave stairs explaining that the cave is closed. She seemed to understand and said, “well, at least you got some exercise!”. Yes, yes indeed I did.


(Roski Slap waterfall. You can view this without doing the 2 kilometer cave loop walk)


(Sun beginning to set behind the lake)
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