Christmas Lights in Dublin (A Photo Tour With Video)

December 20, 2016

When Grant and I arrived in Dublin and began to explore the city, we were surprised to see the amount of Christmas lights and decorations that had been put up all around. From the post office, to the streets of Dublin, to the shopping malls and storefronts, the city seemed to come alive with the spirit of Christmas and a festive atmosphere. It’s been a delight to walk around and admire the city for its decorations at this time of year. Sometimes it’s hard to tell where the architecture ends and the decorations begin.



On O’Connell Street, one of the main wide avenues that runs north-south through the city:



In the general post office on O’Connell Street. This post office was one of the buildings in Dublin that was taken over by the Irish fighters and was besieged by the British during the Easter Rising of 1916. Even though it’s been restored, there are bullet holes still visible in the outer wall from that fateful day:




On Talbot Street, a main shopping street on the north side of the Liffey River:






On Grafton Street, a main shopping road that’s pedestrian-only running between St. Stephen’s Green Park and Trinity College:







Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre:




Various other areas near Grafton Street:





Temple Bar, where a lot of pubs are:






Ha’Penny Bridge. This iconic bridge crosses the Liffey River and connects pedestrians to north and south Dublin:



Looking down the river at The Convention Centre Dublin (building where they do conferences and conventions) lit up with the Samuel Beckett Bridge in front of it:



The Irish even decorate their construction cranes:



Santa Claus completely built out of lego’s. I hope I don’t get coal in my stocking for Christmas:




Merry Christmas from us at Art of Sojourning to all of you and best wishes for the New Year!

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